
Showing posts from November, 2017

100 WC week#12

                                                    Snow days I woke with the annoying "Beep!" of my alarm clock. Yawning I heaved my body off of my bed and peered through my shutters to see snow!. It looked like a giant white crystal blanket wrapped over my town. Suddenly I remembered, "School!" I yelled. So I hurried down the stairs where Mom was waiting with a sandwich. "Hurry up!," she yelled, "you'll be late for school!." I dashed to the car without eating breakfast. I felt so energetic to go to school because of all the snow. Mom started up the engine then. "Mum?, What's wrong?."    Out of battery.

100 WC week #11

                                                           The voice "Now... where`s my map?,"thought Jacques. "I don`t know," replied Jeremy, "You left it at the park?." " no I did-."  "Jacques, what`s wrong?", asked Jeremy "Shush,"Jacques whispered, "over there," he pointed.  We observed a man who seemed to be cursing at a statue wearing a hooded robe. "I think he has problems,"said Jeremy. We giggled, but then we were shocked to hear the statue yell back. "Be gone!,"  Suddenly we saw a blinding light and gasped as the man turned to stone. Soon the statue saw us and turned us into stone too. Just like the rest.

100 WC week 10

                                                                       Treasure Island I was on the beach when I saw a glass bottle with what appeared to be was a tiny island with   treasure inside. I opened the bottle and I was sucked into a whirlpool of space and time and fell "plop"! into the sand of a beautiful beach. And on that beach, there was a girl staring at me.  But then I heard a boom in the distance.  "Pirates"! , the girl cried "Hide the treasure!". I didn't know what she was talking about but I went anyway. I saw a cave with gold everywhere. "But where will we hide it all"? I said. It was too late.

100 WC week 8

                                                                    The Titanic I was in my quarters writing on my typewriter thinking about how people celebrated tomorrow`s arrival when I heard a dreadful screeching sound and people screaming from outside. So I decided to checkout what was going on. But when I stepped outside I saw a wall of gushing water coming my way! So I scrambled upstairs and to the top deck. There I saw a huge white iceberg scraping the side of the ship. Then I jumped into the freezing arctic waters. Then I saw a nearby lifeboat so I desperately started swimming towards it. Soon Titanic was in flames.