100 WC week 10
Treasure Island
I was on the beach when I saw a glass bottle with what appeared to be was a tiny island with treasure inside. I opened the bottle and I was sucked into a whirlpool of space and time and fell "plop"! into the sand of a beautiful beach. And on that beach, there was a girl staring at me. But then I heard a boom in the distance. "Pirates"! , the girl cried "Hide the treasure!". I didn't know what she was talking about but I went anyway. I saw a cave with gold everywhere.
"But where will we hide it all"? I said. It was too late.
An interesting idea for a story but you have so many ideas crammed into 100 words. I wonder how you can pick out the most parts to tell your story. Many of your sentences begin with 1,2 or 3 letter words, I wonder how you can change some of the beginning words for sentence variety.